Models are representations of reality where researchers try to focus on the key elements of an issue and try to obtain insights on how a particular system works, but also how such a system might evolve under different assumptions.
Models can be extremely useful even before they are used to analyse potential consequences of policy measures. The design and implementation of models requires very good and accurate knowledge. In this sense, the modelling process allows stakeholders to ask the right questions and to focus on the essential elements. Once a model is operable, it can help stakeholder identify and improve possible policy responses and analyse their likely consequences.
Modelling can be applied to all kinds of problems and challenges where the solutions are not obvious. Examples range from traffic models over human resource models to models of a whole system such as the health care system.
Modelling requires on the one hand technical skills of modellers and on the other hand a lot of knowledge about the issue at hand. Finding a group of people having both elements can be tricky.
At CORESO we believe that the combination of modelling and collective intelligence will help our partners find better solutions to their problems. Adding modelling to the collective intelligence process helps the group to focus on the key questions and allows them to analyse and compare possible outcomes when discussing solutions.