At CORESO we understand collaboration in the wide sense. That is why we follow an open-access approach and make our research publicly available whenever possible.

On this page, you can find a series of factsheets about our applied techniques together with research articles by our team and members of our network.


Learn more about the research done by CORESO and the members of our network. Click on the publication to learn more and download available resources.
Estudio prospectivo sobre migración y mercado del trabajo en el sector agrícola en México

Agustín Escobar Latapí, Florian Chávez, Mayra Chávez, Eduardo Sojo

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Subnational sustainable development: The role of vertical intergovernmental transfers in reaching multidimensional goals

Omar A. Guerrero, Gonzalo Castañeda, Georgina Trujillo, Lucy Hackett, Florian Chávez-Juárez

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A Multi-purpose Agent-Based Model of the Healthcare System

Florian Chávez-Juárez, Lucy Hackett, Georgina Trujillo, Alejandro Blasco

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CapMod: A Simulated Society to Evaluate Empirical Estimators of Capabilities

Florian Chávez-Juárez and Jaya Krishnakumar

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On the Role of Agent-based Modeling in the Theory of Development Economics

Florian Chávez-Juárez

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Estimating capabilities with structural equation models : How well are we doing in a real world?

Jaya Krishnakumar and Florian Chávez-Juárez

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