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Equal pay compliance between women and men in canton Vaud

Implementation of controls for public contracts and subsidies

The project

The canton of Vaud awards public contracts and grants subsidies only to companies or entities that comply with the Swiss legal framework, particularly about working conditions and labour protection, as well as with regards to relevant regulations and legislation.

In this context, the Commission for the Control of Public Procurement and Subsidies (CoMPS) carries out equal pay compliance reviews under the Federal Law on Equality (LVLeg; BLV 177.63). These compliance reviews are coordinated by the Cantonal Bureau for Equality between Women and Men (BEFH for its acronym in French) and conducted by recognised external experts.

Our contribution

CORESO has been commissioned to perform several compliance checks and to prepare a final report, which is submitted for each evaluation. CORESO conducts the quality control of the statistical data and uses the Swiss Confederation standard analysis tool (Logib) to perform evaluations. These controls are conducted in close collaboration with the Cantonal Bureau for Equality to ensure quality verification and support through a four-eye principle.

The outcome

These monitoring activities are currently ongoing. Equal pay audits are part of the Canton of Vaud's efforts to promote equality at work. These compliance reviews serve to analyse the situation in the labour market and, if necessary, allow for corrective measures to be implemented.

Other relevant links:

Federal Office for Gender Equality, Swiss Confederation legal framework :

Gender Equality Bureau, State of Vaud (only in French): Publications and reports

Gender Equality Bureau, State of Vaud (2021, only in French): Réflexion empirique sur le seuil de tolérance utilisé lors des contrôles de l’égalité salariale

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