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Levelling the field to close the gap

How to achieve Equal Pay Compliance in Switzerland?


The Federal Office for Gender Equality (FOGE) in Switzerland focuses on equality in the workplace and the elimination of all forms of violence and discrimination against women and men across all domains. The FOGE promotes equality between women and men by means of research, further education and the financial support of innovative projects aimed at the prevention and promotion of equality in the workplace. In this context, the FOGE is responsible for coordinating the Gender Equality Strategy 2030. The FOGE is also the developer of the Logib tool, which makes it possible to analyse equal pay in organisations. Equal pay is an essential component of the overall achievement of gender equality. This is why the FOGE carries out equal pay analyses of companies established in Switzerland, in accordance with the Federal Law on Public Procurement (PPA). The federal authorities use the Logib analysis tool and rely on a group of recognised experts to perform these compliance checks.

Our Contribution

CORESO plays a diverse role in support of FOGE's efforts towards gender equality, carrying out applied research and providing statistical analyses and econometric advice.

  • Sharing expertise: We are part of the pool of experts mandated to ensure organisations comply with the Swiss equal pay regulations through the Federal Law on Public Procurement (PPA).
  • Applying research: We conduct research to improve the Logib tool, the go-to resource for equal pay assessments.
  • Empowering businesses: We partner with other expert organisations to deliver online training on Logib, equipping companies to conduct their own effective equal pay analyses and ensuring a level playing field.


In line with the Swiss legal framework, this project contributes to the analysis of equal pay and provides organisations with valuable insights to address gender pay gaps. The project provides expert guidance and online training, as well as conducting research to better understand and develop the FOGE analysis tool. The ultimate goal of the project is for the FOGE to be better able to identify and address any gender pay gaps in Switzerland, and for companies to take corrective action where gaps do exist.

Reference links

Federal Office for Gender Equality, Swiss Confederation: Equal pay in procurement

Federal Assembly - Equal Pay related issues 23.4178 and 23.4139, Swiss Parliament:

Federal Office for Gender Equality, Swiss Confederation (2023, only in German): Kurzgutachten zur Rolle und Notwendigkeit von zwei Signifikanztests im Rahmen der Lohngleichheitsanalysen mit Logib Modul 1

Federal Office for Gender Equality, Swiss Confederation events (2023): Conference on Gender Equality 2030

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