Roman Graf

R---G independent research advisory, Switzerland


  • Lohnrechner und die Analyse der geschlechtsspezifischen Lohngleichheit
  • Online-Umfragen
  • Empirische Analysen


  • Master (licentiate) in Political Science, University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland

Roman specialises in the development of salary calculators, the analysis of gender-equal pay and the calculation of lost earnings. He designs and develops online surveys in the fields of recruitment and working conditions.

Born in Pfeffikon, Switzerland, Roman comes with proven experience of more than 15 years in polling and survey related techniques, data analysis and programming.

Roman was an architectural designer for more than ten years before starting his university studies back in 1995. During his studies, he worked as web publisher at the Private Banking Union where he acquired solid knowledge in programming.

From 2003 to 2015 he worked at the University Employment Observatory (OUE) at the University of Geneva where he had different positions and became Research Director in 2013. He closely collaborated with Professor Yves Flückiger who was the director of the OUE and then became Rector of the University of Geneva in 2015.

As of 2015, Roman performs mandates as an independent expert and continues to be a member of the Geneva Labour Market Observatory (OGMT), which is responsible for monitoring the development of the labour market in the Canton of Geneva in terms of wages, social benefits and working conditions.