Prof. Dr. Jaya Krishnakumar

University of Geneva, Switzerland


  • Ökonometrie
  • Armut, Ungleichheit und human development
  • Quantitative Methoden zur mehrdimensionalen Wohlstandsanalyse


  • PhD in Econometrics and Statistics, University of Geneva, Swizerland

Jaya is an Honorary Professor at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). Jaya was Full Professor of Econometrics at the Institute of Economics and Econometrics until 2022 and closed her tenure and career chapter with her Farewell Lecture at the Solari Lecture 2022.

Her research interests include panel data econometrics, multivariate econometric modelling, household consumption analysis, poverty, inequality and human development, and quantitative methods for multi-dimensional well-being analysis.

Jaya has published articles in renowned outlets such as Econometric Theory, Journal of Econometrics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Journal of Public Economics, European Economic Review, Health Economics, Review of Income and Wealth, Social Indicators Research, World Development, and Journal of Human Development and Capabilities.

She is a Fellow of the Human Development and Capability Association, and an associate editor of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, a referee for several top journals, a leader of various research projects with external funding, and a regular external expert for evaluating grant proposals. She is also a member of the Statistical Advisory Panel for the Human Development Reports of the UNDP, the Human Development Report Advisory Panel 2017, the academic experts panel for World Bank’s Women, Business and The Law Index 2019, the International Scientific Committee of COSA (Committee on Sustainability Assessment), as well as an Advisor for the SDG Platform developed by B-Lab along with the UN Global Compact.

Jaya has been portrayed in the book 100 women and thousands more as one of the women with exceptional professional influence and career paths living in the French and Italian-speaking Switzerland and neighbouring France. Her profile can be found in